As a foundation advisor, one of my greatest joys is being introduced to the work of individuals who defy great odds to accomplish truly great things. Gino Strada is such a man. Sixty-five years old, Strada is an Italian surgeon who has spent more than twenty years “living uncomfortably in some of the worst places on earth.” He has carried out 30,000 operations in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Sudan and Cambodia. And Emergency, the NGO he founded, established and operates 47 healthcare centers worldwide to provide free, high-quality medical care to “desperate people caught in the crossfire of war, 90% of whom are civilians, and the majority of whom are poor and have nowhere else to go.” A documentary short about Emergency’s Salam Centre, Open Heart, was nominated for an Oscar this year and a recent article in The Guardian offers insight into the humane philosophy that motivates and sustains him in his tireless work.
Meet Gino Strada
July 19, 2013 by Leave a Comment