Reverend William E. Lori, spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, recently argued before Congress that “contraception is no more essential to women than a ham sandwich.” Seriously? There are 62 million U.S. women in their childbearing years (ages 15 to 44). Seven in 10 women of reproductive age (43 million women) are sexually active and do not want to become pregnant, but could become pregnant if they and their partners fail to use a contraceptive method. As preventive health care, birth control works. Not sure what ham sandwiches do, but if that kind of ludicrous testimony outrages you too, consider joining The Center for Reproductive Rights’ efforts to protect the separation between church and state.
Ludicrous and dangerous…
Reclaiming Our Rights
If it seems to you that the assault on reproductive rights has accelerated in the past year, you are not mistaken. The Center for Reproductive Rights (The Center) notes that “in 2011 alone, legislatures across the U.S. passed more than 60 laws undermining reproductive rights protected by the U.S. Constitution, choking off access to critical reproductive health services and making rights that exist on paper increasingly difficult to exercise in reality.” The Center is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated exclusively to the establishment, protection, and advancement of reproductive rights in constitutional and international law. To learn more about the 61 million women each year who lack adequate maternal and newborn care and what The Center is doing on their behalf, click here.